Generally we build homes for our
living purpose.
If the property was constructed with
proportional manner of five elements, the same structure may became a house of
filled with peace and prosperity.
Five elements are:
• Sky/Space
• Air/Atmosphere
• Fire/Agni
• Water/Jal
• Earth/Bhoomi
Most of the people in our society
accepting that there is a power/shakthi which was controlled everything of this
universe, which is not shown.
That may be of Lord either lord Shiva
or lord Vishnu or may be Five Elements. These panchabhootas which resides in
the nature in a specific predetermined proportion and may be governed by a
supreme creation, which may beyond our human evaluated comprehension. Study of
these elements may be necessary before entering into Vastu Shastra Subject.
People can be developed when they
about follow the vastu shastra of land & vastu construction of a building
has prosperity in their life, it is certain, when they neglect the vaastu.
Here we should know what vastu is….?
For instance the meaning of sorrow is either pain of difficult similarly we
have to define what vaasthu means.
Here the purpose of the meaning of vasthu is
“The facilitation of dependent” In addition the peace of mind to the family the
inhabitance will acquire the peace & prosperity for the house holders
during their life time.
Though they have all rounded
developments & richness is no letter than the people without mental peace,
who is greater than the man with full of peace.
Wealth does not give mental peace. We
can’t buy everything with money we can’t buy many things like…. Mother’s love.
As per our old literature
"Vastu" means "Vasathi" or "Vaasa" it means
living less than one roof. Later this word has been changed as Vaastu, in some
areas the spelling is also been changes as "Vastu" (Bastu Shastra in
Bengal area) or "Vaastu" or "Vasthu" or "Vaasthu"
Many people of this kind had not following the vaastu advice of right person.
Because of that there was much criticism of vasthu.
We can have incredible benefits, if
you follow a right vasthu expert.
Apart from earning crores of rupees in
this matter, the house holders can obtain peace of life.
From the very beginning I have been in
touch with so called rich people & noticed lack of peace of mind, so the
importance of peace of mind is unlimited.
The influence of vaasthu is no doubt
the peace of mind for the house holders.
Those who are suffering from in
health, wealth, debts, quarrels, court cases, property loss, misunderstandings,
facing troubles at family life, disputes, frustration and tension and they look
forward towards peace.
The people who have frustration &
negative outlook will crave for present vastu …… The ultimate answer is
Those who follow “vastu” on basis of
construction will attain their desired goals & perfect happiness.
But over-expectation is not advisable
for example:
if you want to be a prime minister it
is nothing but over ambition. These kinds of wants will never be fulfilled.
The vasthu in the matter of house
construction will remove all obstacles, worries so and so forth of the owners
and further developed suitable life.
In this connection we can understand
“morale” over expectation & ambition will leads to sorrow. If you follow
the vaasthu there will not be a place of these kind situations.In simple words
Vaasthu means a system of construction that renders peace, satisfactory life to
the residents of that house build according to Vaastu Shastra. Vasthu shastra
in fact, is a very old science of our great country India.
Its knowledge can enable us to get
benefits of mental peace, health, wealth etc, and make our lives happy.
This science, after propounding the
rules of construction, goes to prove that by constructing properly our
buildings, villages, towns, cities, shops, offices, factories and industries,
we can make ourselves prosperous.
On the contrary, the residents of such
buildings, as are at variance with the rules of this science, several
calamities, shortages, diseases and financial insecurity throughout their
Our ancient sages and Rushis created
vaastu shastra for the welfare of entire humanity.
When Vaasthu is learnt and followed, wealth
blossoms in their life and it provides them with grace after their death also.